
Practitioner Spotlight: Lisa Voight


I support leaders and teams in the throes of change and transition as they develop their confidence in navigating the complexity before them. The polarity navigation framework and KPI have become key offerings for me, helpful when a client is looking for an accessible shift of perspective. 

Tell us what attracted you to the KPI and becoming KPI Certified. 

I had been in a years-long conversation about polarities with a dear friend. We grappled with them in ourselves and saw them all around us. How could something so commonplace still feel so elusive? When I was introduced to polarity mapping, I saw a language and pathway to understand the power of polarities. I started facilitating groups through polarity mapping activities and watched their collective energy shift as they gained new insights together. Sensing how much more was possible, I added the Leadership and Human KPIs to my offering with certification, which I completed in 2023. 

How have you used the KPI in your work? 

I most commonly use the KPI after facilitating polarity mapping activities with teams. Having had a shared experience with polarities, I find that team members welcome deeper individual KPI insights followed by facilitated team discussion to understand how individual preferences shape team dynamics and contribute to results. 

What’s your top tip for a powerful debrief? 

I have watched some truly skillful coaches facilitate KPI debriefs (for me and others alike). I have tried to emulate many of them. Invariably, I have missed the mark. While I will continue to “try on” different approaches in the name of growth, I am learning to embrace my own way of being with a client—fully informed by my values, purpose, and client relationship. And so, my top tip for a powerful debrief (which we intrinsically know):  show up in ways that are true to who you are and in service of your client’s needs. The rest will fall into place. 

How is it received by your clients? Any noticing or reactions you can share with us? 

I love this question. It is making me reflect on what I notice and what I might assume about those observations. Now, I am happy to report that most clients acknowledge the “truthiness” of their results.  They actively ponder patterns, one-offs, and impacts. Many wonder what they should do with this newfound (or validated) knowledge. I have also seen clients reflect on their results with rather flat affect (leading me to feelings of doubt), only to later witness them discussing their results with peers in insightful and thoughtful ways (leading me to rethink my doubt). And honestly, those clients who leave me wondering are great teachers—reminding me to be mindful of my observations and subsequent assumptions. 

Leadership KPI or Human KPI? If you had to pick one- and why?    

The Leadership KPI is a powerful tool for the workplace, and I use it frequently. But I love the life-encompassing nature of the Human KPI. What a wonderful way to explore how we look out at the world, what we imagine is possible, and how we might take those next tentative steps! If I had to pick one, it would be the Human KPI. 

Any polarities you are working at the moment? How’s that going? 

Action::Reflection.  I linger happily in Reflection—clearly my preferred pole. And it was in the comfort of Reflection that I imagined my future as a solopreneur outside organizational life. But turning those imaginings into reality required me to lean into Action in new ways. It has been challenging. Through trial and error, I now find my relationship to Action::Reflection more purposeful and consequential than any point in my career to date. I still find comfort in Reflection but am gaining greater confidence in taking Action—both in terms of client engagements and how I make business decisions every day. I find this exciting and liberating.  

Could give one piece of advice/learning to someone considering using the KPI in their next program or coaching engagement?  

My favourite way to introduce the KPI to a client is through a polarity mapping activity. It provides a direct experience that requires little explanation to appreciate. While polarity mapping doesn’t always result in a deeper dive with a KPI, the client—whether an individual or a team—takes away immediate learnings. 

Anything else you want to share or anything you want to ask Practitioners? 

Well, let’s go back to my evolving relationship with Action::Reflection! Because of my preference for Reflection, I still need discipline to move KPI insights into action. This is true- to varying degrees- for myself and in my work with clients.

My question for other Practitioners (especially those of you who lean toward Action): what strategies have you found consistently helpful to act on the insights gained from a KPI engagement? 

Posted In: KPI Practitioner Exclusive